Beard Shape for Weak Chin

Beard Shape for Weak Chin

In general, a strong jawline is considered more appealing than a receding or narrow chin. If you have a weak chin, you may wonder what beard style will suit you. There are some beard styles that can hide your weak chin and make you more masculine and attractive. This post centers on beard shape for weak chin. Here are some styles you can try:

Beard Shapes for A Weak Chin

#1   Full Beard

Full beard illustration

Growing a fuller and thicker beard is the most common way to disguise a weak chin. A full beard can hide the actual shape and size of the chin, and make it appear longer. And a full beard is actually easier to groom and manage.

At your chin, let your beard grow an inch. And when you trim your beard, do not trim it too short at your chin. Just trim the ends. Your chin will look bigger and wider.

Beard can also be shaped in a particular way to make your face appear longer. Just let it grow. And when it takes a slightly round shape, trim the ends.

Keeping your beard in place is an important part of beard maintenance. For this, you can use beard balm or wax. If your beard is longer, you may need to add clay to the balm or wax.

Hiding your chin will be easier if your beard is thick. The good news is, the thickness of your beard is not entirely up to your genes. You can do something about it by taking the proper nutrients such as biotin and zinc, and thus preventing hair loss.

#2   The Circle Beard

The Circle Beard

Also referred to as a full goatee, a circle beard is another great beard shape for weak chin. This beard shape can make your weak chin look fuller and longer. There are several types of goatee styles and this is the most common of them. By connecting the beard on your chin with your mustache, this style forms a circle around your face. This type of beard is very easy to maintain.

Make sure there is no beard on your cheeks. The beard will change the appearance of your chin, and as a result, it will not draw attention. This formal style can significantly elongate the chin.

#3   Stubble


Stubble is another great option for disguising a weak chin. It works by slightly reducing the visual effect of your narrow chin. However, this style requires a little bit of strategy on your part.

When it comes to adding definition to your chin, dark stubble is the best option. A short beard actually requires more maintenance. If you have time for grooming, you may also decide to keep a short beard.

Here is another important thing to consider: avoid light stubble. The reason is that it will reduce the definition of your face and draw some special attention to your chin. Instead of masking your chin, light stubble will make it appear weaker.

#4   Chinstrap and Sideburns


A chinstrap is a very good beard shape for weak chin. It can balance the shape of your face by elongating it. A chinstrap can disguise a weak chin. It allows you to sculpt your jawline the way you want.

Short sideburns can also help you balance your weak chin. If you have a narrow chin and triangular jawline, wear thick and long sideburns.

#5   The Extended Goatee

The Extended Goatee

As the name suggests, the extended goatee extends along the jawline. However, it is not the same as a chinstrap in part because it does not cover the entire jawline. This is another popular beard shape for weak chin.

The extended goatee elongates your chin and makes it look fuller. It also makes the jaw appear broader because the bottom edges get tailed back. This beard shape is very easy to trim and maintain. To make it presentable, you have to be careful about its maintenance.

Ways to Enhance Your Chin

For many men, growing a beard is not the best way to hide a weak chin. The good news is, there are ways to enhance your chin. Some of these methods require surgical interventions. So, these options are only for men who are really uncomfortable with their weak chins.

There is a tongue posture known as mewing, which has been proven to enhance the chin. Mewing can change the look of a weak chin by improving your facial alignment. The practice can also encourage upward and forward growth. It can be helpful for a man who has a hard time coming up with a beard shape for weak chin. 

A guy with a severely receding chin may opt for genioplasty, also known as chin advancement surgery. For this surgery, you will have to be put under general anesthesia. There is a piece of bone in your jaw's tip. The surgeon will balance out your face by removing that piece of bone and moving it forward.

For chin augmentation, some people also use dermal fillers. These fillers are mostly made of hydraulic acid. To make the chin look fuller, this stuff is injected into the chin. However, there is a disadvantage of using dermal fillers: they usually dissolve in a few months.

Be Careful about Beard Maintenance

It is important to choose the right beard shape for weak chin. However, this is just the beginning of the journey. To maintain your beard, you have to take the maintenance part seriously.

Buy a boar bristle beard brush and use it every day. There are many advantages of brushing your beard. It spreads beard oil, detangles the beard, and promotes growth by stimulating the hair follicles. Trim your beard regularly and keep it hydrated.

Final Thoughts

A weak chin should not be a source of an inferiority complex. You will still look masculine and attractive without a strong jawline. However, if you are not comfortable with the shape of your chin, you can disguise it by styling your facial hair in a particular way. Just choose a beard style that suits your facial features and stick to your beard grooming routine.

Get started with a beard grooming routine here: Kits – Castlebeard

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