How to Grow a Beard Faster: A Brief Guide

At 18, you’re either getting a rush of first-time beard growth, or you’ve tiny hairs scattered around your chin, jaw, and cheeks. Guys with extra-active genetics and testosterone, in this case will have longer hair. If you’re nursing the thought of growing a glorious beard, you’ll want to get your beard to grow fuller and longer fast. You can speed up your beard growth, either naturally or using artificial methods. Whichever way you decide to go, outlined here is a pro curated guide on how to grow a beard faster at 18.

Grow a Beard Faster

How to Grow a Beard Faster: Effective Natural Methods

As far as beard growth is concerned, most 18-year olds have a long way to go. When we say faster growth, we don’t promise the speed of growth will triple or double. But, it will be faster than expected, though your genetics and testosterone play a fundamental role. Below are the proven natural techniques that speed up beard growth for teenagers.

Wash your face often

Facial hair need open follicles to grow. The follicles of most young men are tight and closed. You can unblock your hair follicles faster by washing your face regularly with warm water. Wetting your face with warm water at least twice a day will unblock hair follicles and speed up beard growth. You can also apply a gentle face massage with a soft face cleanser to speed up the process. Consider using mild shampoo and cleaner as they cleanse oil and dirt stuck in your hair follicles, providing room for hair to grow.

Massage your face often

Another trick that works for some is massaging the face to get blood flow to the hair follicles. Massaging should be done gently and tactically. Start by applying firm, painless pressure on your face using your fingertips before rubbing the beard growth area. You have to commit at least 10 minutes a day to massage your face for better results.

Properly exfoliate your face

If washing and massaging don’t garner results, resort to exfoliation. Proper exfoliation starts with intense face washing. You have to thoroughly but gently wash your face with shampoo or cleanser before rinsing it with warm water. Once the skin has dried, apply the exfoliator gently before you wash it off with clean water. Exfoliating is known to peel off dead skin cells and other elements that could be blocking the hair follicles.  Use exfoliating products made of natural and safe ingredients; otherwise, be ready to deal with irritation and burning sensation.

Consider beard-friendly diets

Infuse a beard-friendly diet into your lifestyle. Foods high in vitamin B are known to support the growth of hair. Taking more vitamin-based foods can make beards grow fuller in less time than you expect. The most recommended foods rich in beard-enhancing vitamins include biotin, avocados, chicken, dairy, fish, beef, leafy greens, cereals, and nuts. You may also want to consider green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, and citrus fruits.

Grow a Beard Faster

How to Grow a Beard Faster At 18: Effective Artificial Methods

If the natural methods don’t work to your liking, you can go the artificial route. We have many artificial methods that can speed up your hair growth. None of these methods is entirely safe, so it’s wise to consult with your doctor before attempting any of them.

Testosterone-boosting medicines

The first artificial method young men can use to speed up their beard growth is taking testosterone-boosting supplements. These are known to boost the production of the two primary testosterones, DHT and T. DHT testosterone enhances the density of your beard hair while T testosterones improve the thickness. Taking medications that boost the production of each could see you getting a fuller and healthier beard in a matter of weeks. Other methods include injections, creams, and pills. They are known to have a variety of side effects, so talk with your doctor first.

Micro-needling for stimulating hair growth

Also used by teens to stimulate faster beard growth, micro-needling is pretty popular today. Micro-needling entails rolling a link roller-like device on the teen’s face to activate the hair follicles and improve the beard growth rate. The micro-needling device comprises lots of miniature needle points that reach into the target skin parts to stimulate hair follicles. Micro-needling needs proper administration to maximize user safety and reduce the level of pain. You may need to talk to your cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist before going for a micro-needling session to know if you’re a perfect candidate.

Facial hair transplant

If everything else fails and you’re too impatient to wait for your beard hair to grow naturally into the desired length, thickness, and density, you may get your desired results from a facial hair transplant. Hair transplant should be the last method to try because the side effects and the costs can be overwhelming. Whatever your motivation to go for a facial hair transplant, you must always consult your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon for guidance and suggestions.

Facial hair transplants involve several sessions and procedures, which require time and money. In certain instances, you will have to wait for up to two years to see any results. In other cases, you may not even see the results at all. Transplants may fail if you’ve never grown beard hair, so we wouldn’t recommend this technique for teenagers unless they have tried every other method with no success.


Virtually every male teenager wants to look manly, and having a beard sends the message home with minimal effort. Beards are known to symbolize perseverance, masculinity, and responsibility, and for an 18-year old to have one that stands out means they are at the top of the game.  If you’re 18 and have been wondering how you can grow the most glorious beard ever, the techniques we mentioned in our today’s post could be a starting point. Yes, all of these techniques have been proven and have worked on others. Though it’s not a guarantee they will work for you, you’ll achieve your desired results with perseverance and commitment.